Deal Town Council is a Bronze Award Holder and has pledged to demonstrate and advocate support to the armed forces community as detailed in the Armed Forces Covenant.
The aims of the Armed Forces Community Covenant are to:
• Encourage local communities to support the Armed Forces Community and raise awareness of the issues they face
• Recognise and remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces Community
• Promote activities that help integrate the Armed Forces Community into local life
• Encourage the Armed Forces Community to support the wider community through participation in events and joint projects
Dover District Council has issued a guidebook specifically for veterans and those who support them. To download the Veterans Guidebook, please click here.
Service Charities
The Royal British Legion is a leading Service Charity providing lifelong support for the RN, British Army and RAF serving men and women, veterans, and their families 24/7
0808 802 8080
The Armed Forces Charity supports Regulars and Reserves from all three Services and their families. A caseworker organisation, they visit the Client’s home
0204 566 9126
COBSEO - Cobseo, as the Confederation of Service Charities,
Veterans’ Gateway: Single point of contact for veterans seeking support
Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity
RAF Benevolent Fund