Publication Scheme

Information available from Deal Town Council
Deal Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Deal, Kent. CT14 6TR
Tel: 01304 361999


Location Map  

 Please Note: Hard copies of information are available on request.


How the information
can be obtained

Who's who on the Council and its Committees

Who’s who on the Council 


Annual return form and report by auditor

Annual Return

Finalised budget

Budget 2024/25


Precept 2024/25

Financial Standing Orders and Regulations

Financial Regulations

Grants given and received 2019/2020

Grant Streams Policies

Grant application forms

Grants given and received 

Grants Streams Policies

Grants Page

List of current contracts awarded and value of contract

Hard Copy

Members’ allowances and expenses - Within Annual Reports

Annual Reports

How the Council makes decisions  

Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting

Annual Reports

Timetable of meetings (Council, any committee/sub-committee meetings)

 Meeting Schedule 2024/25



Agendas of meetings

Meetings Page

Minutes of Meetings (as above) – nb this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting.

Meetings Page

Responses to consultation papers

Hard Copy

Responses to planning applications


Council Policies  
Freedom Of Information Policy Freedom of Information Policy

Procedural standing orders

Standing Orders Policy Document

Environment Policy Environment Policy

Kent Code of Conduct for Members:

Declarations of Interest explanation sheet

Code of Conduct

Declarations of Interest

Records Management Policy Records Management Policy
UK-General Data Protection Regulation/Data Protection Act 2018  UK-GDPR/DPA 18 
Public Participation Policy  Public Participation Policy
Representatives of Outside Bodies  Outside Bodies Policy
Environment Committee Terms of Reference          Terms of Reference
Finance & General Purposes Committee Terms of Reference          Terms of Reference
Planning Committee Terms of Reference Terms of Reference
Grants Sub-Committee Terms of Reference    Terms of Reference
Civic Ceremonial - A Guide for the Mayoralty Civic Ceremonial & Charity Policy
Staff and Councillors Training and Development Policy Training and Development Policy
Employee Policies Employee Policy
Safeguarding Policy  Safeguarding Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy:

 Equality and Diversity Policy

Procurement Policy

Procurement Policy

Recruitment Policies (including current vacancies)

Recruitment Policy 

Complaints procedures

Complaints Policy

Whistleblowing Policy Whistleblowing Policy 

Protocol on Recording at Meetings 

Recording at Meetings Policy 

Flag Flying Policy Flag Flying Policy
Mayors Cadet Guidelines Mayors Cadet Policy

Free Use

Free Use Policy

Deal Town Council Communications Policy Communications Policy 
Twinning Policy Twinning Policy

Any publicly available register or list
(if any are held this should be publicised; in most circumstances existing access provisions will suffice)

Hard Copy

Assets Register

Hard Copy






Disbursement cost

Photocopying @ 5p per sheet (black & white)

Actual cost 5p a sheet



Actual cost of Royal Mail standard 2nd class

There will be no charge for information obtained from the website



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