Deal Town Council

Deal Town Council is a ‘parish authority’ for the town of Deal. It acts as a consultee and lobbying force with the District and County Council, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community with an overall responsibility for its wellbeing. We have an electorate of 15,673 and a population of approximately 30,000.

Our work covers:
• Being the voice for the people of Deal and lobbying for change
• Supporting endeavour and good causes through grant funding
• Responsible for the Town Hall, civic duties, events, visitor information, allotments and Deal Saturday Market

How does it happen?
Deal Town Council is made up of 15 Councillors, elected by Deal residents, representing the three parish wards (Mill Hill, North Deal and Middle Deal), who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the Council, supported by the Town Hall team. The Council as a whole is responsible to the people it represents – that’s you, our community.

Attending a council meeting is a good way to find out what we do and get involved. You can look through our news stories to keep up-to-date with what we’re working on at the moment. You can also find out more about the council by having a look round our website and on social media.

Areas of focus
Currently, the Council has four areas of focus:
The Town Plan Action
The Climate Change Declaration
The Declaration of Ecological Emergency
The City of Sanctuary Strategy

What we do


  • All statutory duties of a Town Council
  • Monthly statutory council meetings that are open to the public to attend
  • Manage more than 80 allotment plots on 3 allotment sites for our residents
  • Grant funding for local groups and organisations
  • Employ a dedicated Facilities Team who; maintain the Town Hall, manage the hiring of the Town Hall and its Undercroft, maintain and manage the allotments, undertake weekly checks of the Town Centre for any Health & Safety or maintenance issues that may need reporting to KCC or DDC as appropriate, and maintain the council’s street furniture
  • Employ a dedicated office team who administrate the Town Council ensuring residents' voices are heard and ensure the Council operates legally and efficiently
  • Managing the council’s committees, projects, Mayor’s office, general enquiries and Visitor Information
  • Care for and maintain records of the Town Hall artefacts, paintings and history
  • Maintain and fund the planters along the seafront, High Street, and Mill Hill
  • Deal Warm Welcome
  • Organise year-round events for the community, such as the Braderie, Heritage Weekend, Climate Learning Day, Holocaust Memorial Day and International Women’s Day
  • Working with Kent County Council for better roads, pavements and services
  • Lobbying Dover District Council for better investment, funding and improvements
  • Work across multiple local organisations such as schools, police and community groups to ensure the Council are meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in Deal
  • Contributing to the town’s public toilets to ensure they remain open
  • Respond to planning applications, taking into account residents' views
  • Have an up-to-date website and social media page, full of information
  • Produce an Annual Report
  • Respond to local consultations which affect our residents


This list is not exhaustive but in short: Deal Town Council offers a local voice to Deal residents.

For 2024/25, residents living in the three wards of Deal (North Deal, Middle Deal and Mill Hill), who pay council tax are contributing £1.36 per week towards the running of Deal Town Council. The balance of our running costs is generated by the commercial activities of Deal Town Council.

We’re always keen to hear your views and you can contact us in a number of ways - you’ll find all the details here on our contact page.