Published: 03 October 2019
Monday 9 to Saturday 14 September:Working with Kent County Council and Cycle Community CIC, we’re collecting bikes to be refurbished and resold at affordable prices.
If you’ve got a serviceable bike that’s too small or is unused and gathering dust, then bring it along to Deal Town Hall.
The Undercroft Gates will be open from 9am each day. Just leave your bike in the Undercroft. When Deal Town Hall Reception is open, pop in and let us know it's there and we'll give you a 20% off Voucher for the Affordable Refurbished Bike Sale. When Reception is closed there will be Cycle September Postcards in the Undercroft for you to let us know which bike you've left and if you'd like a voucher, please leave your email address and we'll send one over. Just pop the card through the letterbox.