Funding available for community-based organisations from Kent County Council Kent County Council is looking to fund community-based organisations to deliver additional activities, initiatives and opportunities as part of the Reconnect: Kent Children and Young People Programme. These activities should support children and young people in Kent to reconnect to things they have missed during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are two priorities for this funding: - Immediate support for children and young people to help with recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
- A programme of activities, opportunities and support for children and young people throughout Summer 2021.
Small grass-roots organisations can apply for up to £1,000 and larger providers, who have received a lottery, Clinical Commissioning Group or local government funded grant within the past three years or delivered a commissioned service for KCC within the past three years, can apply for up to £5,000. All applications will be assessed by Local Children’s Partnership Group (LCPG) funding panels and decisions will be passed through governance prior to any award being approved. When you complete your application form, you must state which LCPG you are applying to (there are 12 LCPGs – one for each district area in Kent). Please note that no organisation can exceed three applications per LCPG and no organisation or provider can apply for more than £50,000 funding in total. Applications can be submitted here. The deadline for applications is Sunday 27 June. Please email for more information. |