Funding available for local groups - apply by 20 September Community groups who benefit the local area can bid for grants from £100 up to £2,000 once again, as part of the Council’s popular Community Grants Scheme. Applications are welcomed from community organisations and groups who are based within the Dover District, or who are seeking a grant to support activities that will benefit a community within the Dover District. Bids for the Winter Community Grants Scheme will be accepted from Monday 26 July until 12 noon on Monday 20 September 2021, and successful applicants will be notified in October 2021. DDC recognises the immensely important role that local groups have played, and will continue to play, as the district slowly recovers. Volunteers are the backbone of our community, and this money is available to ensure local projects and activities can be effectively planned and funded. Groups are encouraged to contact the Council about the scheme before making an application, to ensure they submit an effective bid. Terms and conditions can be found here The grants scheme was split into two rounds this year: summer and winter. 81 local groups benefitted from the summer round of funding and were awarded a total sum of £79,418.81. The overall amount allocated to grants for 2021 is £230,000 and includes £7.5k from the Dover District Lotto (for every pound spent on the Lotto, 60p goes back into the local community). Brin Hill, Head of Community and Digital Services, said: “our residents are slowly and safely getting back to the clubs and activities they enjoy. Local groups play an invaluable role in offering people somewhere to go to meet friends, learn new skills and enhance their wellbeing and happiness. “We have already seen an increased number of quality bids for the summer grants this year, which demonstrates the grant scheme’s success and the impact it has had across the district. “We truly appreciate the extra funding that the Dover Lotto continues to bring our communities too.” For more information: Phone: 01304 872277 Email: communitygrants@dover.gov.uk Apply: www.dover.gov.uk/Community Further information: All grants will be awarded through the framework of the Dover District Council Community Grant Scheme. The grant funds are allocated across five areas (Sandwich & Area, Deal and Walmer, Dover North, Dover Town and Dover West). Every application will also be allocated to one of these five areas, depending on the project location. Applications are welcomed from community organisations and groups who are based within the Dover District, or who are seeking a grant to support activities that will benefit a community within the Dover District. This includes: • Registered Charities • Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO) • Community Interest Companies (CIC) • Social Enterprises • Constituted Voluntary/Community groups • Constituted Sports Clubs/groups (with club mark) • Constituted Youth Clubs/groups • Constituted School related groups e.g. PFTA • Constituted Church/Faith groups Applications are also welcome from the successful applicants of the summer round. |