Deal With It permanently loan their Queen's award
Published: 24 November 2021
Deal With It permanently loan their award to Deal Town Council
In 2019, Deal With It was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This Award was in recognition of the huge contribution that many hundreds of Deal residents have made taking part in the environmental work of Deal With It since 2007 and to the town as a whole.
Covid restrictions meant that the planned donation of the Award and official Certificate - signed by Her Majesty the Queen - to the Town Council had to be delayed.
However at a ceremony at the Town Hall on Monday 22 November, the Award and Certificate were finally handed over to the Worshipful Mayor of Deal, Cllr Chris Turner and the Deputy Mayor Cllr Sue Beer.
The Certificate and the etched glass trophy will be put on public display in the Town Hall Chamber.
Deal With It co-ordinates a number of environmental projects in Deal including:
• Deal Hop Farm – the community hop growing initiative
• Gardening projects at the Captain’s Garden and the station
• Gleaning at local farms – harvesting leftover crops from farmers’ fields
• Plastic Free Deal – speeding up the end of single use plastic
• Monthly Beach Cleans
• Station clean-ups
• Daily litter picking by members of Pick Deal Clean.
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups and is equivalent to the MBE.
The Mayor, Cllr Chris Turner said, “We are immensely honoured to be asked to display Deal With It’s Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in the Town Hall. Today the work and environmental leadership of Deal With it is more important than ever.”