Ukraine Crisis

Published: 11 March 2022

Message from the Mayor

In these dark times when democracy itself is under threat I would like to thank the residents of our town for their support both for the Ukrainian cause and for their contributions to relief efforts as the crisis unfolds.

Here in Deal, we have a long tradition of welcoming people whose lives are in danger - in fact our town motto is ‘Welcome the Stranger'.

I hope that as a town we will be able to play our part through the community sponsorship scheme, details of which are yet to be announced.

In the meantime, I would urge residents to contribute as generously as possible to the current appeals, for example that of the Disasters Emergency Committee.  

Can I also extend my best wishes and support to those families locally whose loved ones are affected by the current crisis. As a gesture of our support and solidarity with Ukraine and all who value freedom, peace and democracy, we will be flying Ukraine national-coloured ribbons at the Town Hall.


For further information and if you wish to donate and show your support to the Ukrainian residents and those affected by events in Ukraine, please use the links below:

The British Red Cross is working with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and the International Committee of the Red Cross to provide practical help to those that need it the most. Donate to the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

You can also donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, which is helping to provide food, water and shelter to those fleeing the conflict.

 Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine - GOV.UK (

Councillor Chris Turner

Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal