Deal market celebrates 323rd birthday
Published: 06 October 2022

On 13 October 1699 King William III signed a Charter that released Deal from the rule of the Port of Sandwich.
The Charter gave Deal the status of a 'borough and market town', the right to elect its own Mayor and to run its own affairs.
There will be a ceremony at the Town Hall to mark the anniversary and on
Saturday 15 October there will be live music and free tote bags on offer at the market in Union Road.
The Kellet Gut Shantymen will be performing from 10am to 11am and they will be followed by Blake who will be entertaining people until 1pm.
There are 300 free ethically sourced, reusable tote bags to give away and they will be shared on a first come, first served basis.
Chair of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, Cllr David Cronk said: “Deal Saturday Market is a great way for us all to recognize the significance of the Charter.
“Although 323 years does seem a long time ago, the town is still shaped by those events. For example, the original market was a fish market so it was cobbled for better cleaning. You can still see those cobbles on Market Street today.
“The town motto was created ‘Welcome the Stranger’ (Adjuvate Advenas), and it is as true today as it was then, as those who visit Deal will attest.
“It’s important to mark these dates as it reminds us of our town’s journey and what shapes us even today.”