We like water butts…and we cannot lie!

Published: 09 June 2023

water butts at the allotmentWe took delivery of 26 water butts this week as part of our ongoing commitment to be carbon neutral by 2025.

They are made from recycled plastic and have been delivered to all those who requested them on all three of the Deal Town Council allotment sites.

Our Allotment Water Harvesting project was launched this year to help plot holders use rainwater instead of tap water on their crops.

Environment Committee Chairperson, Cllr Sue Beer said: “We have been working hard at the Town Hall to reduce our carbon footprint so it is great to see that work out and about in Deal.

“It was great to see so many people coming forward to be part of the scheme as climate action is something we cannot do alone.

“As part of our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2025, we’re also about to embark on an allotment review to see what else can be done and how we can better work in harmony with nature for benefit of everyone.”

Read more about Climate Emergency on our website, including our Action Plan and where you can join local groups working hard to tackle climate change.