Our new Mayor of Deal

Published: 07 July 2023

On Thursday 29 June 2023 guests joined Councillor Oliver Richardson - the 273rd Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal.

His ceremonial evening was attended by out-going Mayor and Mayoress Chris Turner and Kate Gatti and former Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress, Cllr Sue Beer and Laura Newing.

Cinque Port Mayors and Chairs of neighbouring towns also attended. The Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal addressed the audience, thanking councillors, colleagues, friends and family and looked forward to his term in office. He also introduced Canon Carl-Fredrik Arvidsson of Great Mongeham, known locally as Father Fred, as Mayor’s Chaplain.

Cllr Richardson said: “My thanks go to Chris Turner and Kate Gatti and Cllr Sue Beer and Laura Newing. Chris, I have large shoes to fill and your term in this office has been an inspiration. Calm and always friendly. Your chats out and about have always been great fun and your smile is infectious. I hope to be able to continue your good work and I know I will always have a friendly voice to talk to at the end of the phone. Kate, for all the support for Chris and everything you did for Deal, I am immensely proud.

“I have already been able to go out and about and have been invited to many events and support the work that they do. From a fashion parade on the pier to doing the Macarena at the Astor in aid of Martha Trust are just two of the highlights from my first month. And of course, the Armed Forces Week.

“I hope that in the coming months many other organisations will ask me to support them and I will do, within the best of my ability, just that. Deal is a fantastic place and there are many good causes and orgainsations that keep the town buzzing.

“I want Deal to continue to be a happy place to live and I know the Deputy Mayor Cllr Adrian Friend joins me in that ambition.

“I will also be continuing to work with and support the Cinque Ports and with our twinned town St Omer with whom we have a great bond, following on from the great work of Cllr Beer and Chris Turner last year.

“Finally, I want to see a happy council, councillors enjoying what they do. Being proud and serving the community in the best way they are able.”

He then formally introduced his Mayoress MaryAnn Richardson. He said: “MaryAnn, my darling wife, has kindly accepted to be the Mayoress. For over 30 years MaryAnn has been my rock. My shoulder to cry on, the mother of my three fabulous boys and the person to keep me on the straight and narrow. She is my best friend, and I am glad she was able to be my Mayoress. I and Deal will enjoy her enthusiasm, understanding, sense of fun and joie de vivre.

“I am sure we will have a good year together.”