The Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal's Christmas Message

Published: 20 December 2023

Season greetings and welcome to Deal Town Hall.

It has been my absolute privilege to serve as a County, District and Town Councillor for many years now but this is my very first Christmas as Town Mayor.

As Mayor, I have seen how Deal is reflected in the eyes of others. And I can tell you it fills me with pride.

The Mayoress and I have been invited to share so much of the great work that happens in the town - thanks to the people of Deal.

Play groups, parent conferences, Pride, veterans’ support, Deal Warm Welcome, health and mental health initiatives, litter-picking, charities, campaigning, festivals, film groups, active social forums allowing all view and voices to be heard - and that’s just a snap shot.

Deal is a town where people strive to ensure no-one is left behind and we all belong.

We must, of course, and especially at this time of year, take a moment to reflect on events across the world.

Thoughts too turn to those closer to us, to our neighbours and those we know who are alone during the holiday.

So, make that phone call to Great Aunt Doris on Christmas Day, don’t wait until the new year. It’s a busy time but try and make time – check in on friends and family, don’t assume all is ok. Pop by for a mince pie. And why not, a little tipple too!

Let us be thankful for this wonderful town that we call home and give thanks.

On behalf of all councillors and staff here at Deal Town Council, may the Mayoress and I wish you the most wonderful of Christmases. And here’s to a fabulous New Year.

The Worshipful Town Mayor of Deal, Cllr Oliver Richardson