Compost toilets installed at allotments

Published: 02 September 2024

Compost toilets installed at allotments


Compost toilets have been installed at each of Deal Town Council’s three allotment sites.

As part of the council’s plan of works following the Climate Emergency Declaration, the new facilities are not only convenient for plot holders, they’re good for the environment too.

Each loo saves approximately 50,000 litres of water per person* a year and the untreated and composted waste goes back to enrich the soil.

Finance and General Purposes Committee Chairperson Cllr Trevor Bond said: “We hope to welcome more community groups to use and share our allotment estate and the new facilities will help us do that.

“In line with our climate ambitions, nothing will go to waste and these compost toilets will help enrich our land and we’ll be saving water too.

“These are a great asset for our allotmenters and allotments alike.”

Learn more about Deal Town Council’s climate action work here at
*Wee Hooses Compost Toilets